Why You Should Choose a Maternity Gift Box by Primrose + Ginger
A Primrose + Ginger maternity gift box delivers a multi-sensory self-care experience for every new mum to be. With gloriously scented organic candles, atmospheric mists and luxury soaps that will not disappoint, you will also find Amethysts or Rose Quartz crystals for supporting energies in pregnancy and postpartum. Each stone has a different self-care purpose:
- Amethyst crystals hold calm and balanced vibrations, they soothe away stress and anxiety and enable mums-to-be and new mums to fall to sleep more easily.
- Rose Quartz, on the other hand, is the stone of love and protection. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, promoting love, inner healing and feelings of peace. For some it believed that it has the power to increase fertility and to protect both mother and your unborn baby.
Keep your stone close to you, maybe in the room where you work, your bedroom or in your handbag, you can even keep it in your gift box which you can use to store babies "first everythings".
Each curated maternity gift box is preparatory, so that you will find, for example, soaks that prepare you for changes in your uterus, or teas that calm the morning sickness reflex that so many mums-to-be experience. This kind of pregnancy self-care is often overlooked in the belief that a mum to be should just get by, however research is increasingly showing that happy babies come from happy mums, not mums that put themselves last. Which matters most: having a beautiful nursery or having a calm and peaceful pregnant mum to be. You'd be surprised.
When we speak of a multi sensory self-care experience, we really mean it. You find glorious scents you can enjoy throughout your pregnancy journey from atmospheric mists found in Fire Joy to the candles you find in Earth Love and Starlight . These wonderful scents are all pregnancy safe and made with essential oils that mums to be can use freely and safely. We mean oils that soothe and protect, teas that nurture and support, soaks that relieve pain and pressure. In short, we mean a primrose + Ginger maternity gift box. Your needs change the further you go into your pregnancy.
Earth Love : Maternity Gift Box for Trimester 1
Feel safe in the knowledge that Primrose + Ginger supply every mum-to-be with a treasure trove of natural, organic and pregnancy-safe botanicals for you and your baby.
Morning Star: Maternity Gift Box for Trimester 2
Not only do these maternity gift boxes come with full-sized delights, they are also nurturing to both mum to be and baby. Sensibly, you will discover organic herbal teas which support nausea, breastfeeding intentions and even baba's colic. These are all included in our various beautiful maternity gift boxes.
Starlight Maternity Gift Box for Trimester 3
Fire Joy: Postpartum Maternity Gift Box for Trimester 4
Fire Joy is the maternity gift box that covers the immediate period just before giving birth and directly afterwards in postpartum. Quality you can count on from Mother Nature's own treasure trove of wellbeing and self-care gifts.